Guitar Transformed

Guitar Transformed

One of my favorite jobs I have as a guitar shop owner is modifying guitars. It gives me such joy and satisfaction to transform a stock guitar into a custom dream guitar.

Recently I was asked to modify my students guitar. It was a normal Stratocaster type guitar. It had the normal 3 single coil pickups and standard pickguard with a 5-way blade switch and plastic knob. But he wanted something totally different! He picked out a tortoiseshell pickguard and chrome covered humbuckers. How cool is that?!

The first thing I needed to do was cut some of the wood of the body to accommodate the humbuckers. With a Dremel, I carefully removed the extra wood in the body cavity. Then I repainted it with shielding paint.

Once the body was ready, all I needed to do is wire-up the pickguard. We wanted something special for this mod, so we went with a 3-way toggle switch instead of the normal blade type switch. The last upgrade was from the plastic Strat knobs to sturdy chrome ones.

As you can see, the guitar went from good to amazing! It looks and sounds great! My student is very happy with the transformation. It’s his first guitar, but now it feels like a brand new guitar all over again. It was a really fun mod and I enjoyed making his dream come true!

If you have a guitar that you would like to transform, please give me a call or stop in to the shop. You’ll be so glad you did!

Keep on Rock’in –

Posted in At Our Shop.

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