RockSo Music and Muziekschool Plug & Play hosted In-Store Blues Clinic #5 13 April 2024
This was the first Blues Clinic of 2024 and our 5th In-Store Blues Clinic to date. This time, we had 10 people that joined, including some new members.

We started out with some basic blues music theory for the new members. In the first hour, Christian taught us 3 blues licks in E major. All three of the licks were in the E major pentaonic scale. One of the licks was a double stop lick. The members had a chance to come up and try the new licks out before the break. This was good practice and helped everyone understand how to use the new licks.
During the break, we had a chance to talk to the new participants and look around the shop.
After the break, Lucas led the group and introduced 3 more licks in E, including a minor pentatonic lick and a lick that used chromatic notes. After the last licks were gone over, all participants had a chance to come up and play the blues!
This time, we tried a “4 note challenge”. The challenge was to try to solo over a 24 bar E blues shuffle backing track using only the 4 notes in different combinations and patterns. It was tough, but everyone tried their best.

Everyone had a great time and learned alot about soloing in E blues. The next In-Store Blues Clinic will be in September. Until then, keep on playing and learning the blues and see you next time!